As we encounter our everyday choices, we always want and presumed to be free to make important health decisions. That includes in today’s world, the freedom to avoid toxins.
pretending to be ignorant of the whole issue. There is information that the spraying of aluminum compounds and other metal compounds make the stratosphere ionized so that it can be more readily manipulated by EMFs so as to control weather. If a person does their own research and discovers a threat to their health, they are not happy with being trapped under toxic-sprayed skies, and since it is not a choice to stop breathing it can be deeply anxiety producing. So, a day in the life of a health freedom activist may force a person to find creative personal work-arounds, as there are no places in the US that are free and unaffected by these seemingly nefarious high-level programs unfolding in the sky.
And many see that our personal bodily autonomy enhances the concept that healthy people make communities of healthy individuals. In addition, as more information comes forward people are learning about some of the harmful effects of vaccines – auto immune disorders, disrupted immune and neurological systems and in the case of mRNA delivered shots, cardiovascular effects even in young athletes. The Amish community does not do vaccination, and their incidence of autism and other childhood health disorder is essentially zero. Maybe they are the experts we should be learning from. Many people shrug and line up for whatever the government spokesmen tell them to do, and there is a never-ending litany of shots for both young and old that are media -recommended with assurances of safety and necessity. Some people will do their own research, draw their own conclusion and – we hope – make their own decision, not caving in to advertisements, brow beating, shaming or even mandating that has become so commonplace in our times.
The attacks on both health and health freedom raise a challenge to all of us who can take the time to think about it. How are we going to remain healthy and how are we going to remain free despite the many obstacles? Let us join together to help each other do that. We should all encourage each other to question authorities who would try to force us into medications, treatments and exposures that we do not feel right about. Every time we resist a heavy-handed coercion or mandate or imposition that we do not believe is our best interest, and do not comply, we score a victory not only for our own health but also for the larger question of freedom. People who are somewhat allied on the health and freedom issues should set aside differences and work together in a movement that will grow and be hard to stop. So, we say, let us unite behind the freedom principles. With more and more people standing together for health freedom, we can best assure not only our health but also the freedom we want to pass down for our country’s future.