It is so important that you be able to make your own choices about your health! You are the one to decide which healing modalities you want to use. That means you are the person to choose which practitioners of the healing arts to work with. You are the one to decide which kinds of testing you want to utilize, which kinds of treatments to work with. You are the person to choose whether to have a particular vaccination injected into your body, or not.
Thank you for walking this journey with us of returning rights we never should have lost. OF COURSE the right to help people get well should be in the public domain, when the healing methods do not pose a significant risk of harm. OF COURSE you should be able to decide for yourself and your children about injections and other medical treatments.
At National Health Freedom Action, our pledge to you is that we will incessantly work to change restrictive laws, and create new good laws, to bring this vision to reality. Your support is making that work possible.
Thank you. In health freedom, Jerri Johnson President, National Health Freedom Action